Blog: Monitoring & Research

Stonechat at Kester's Docking, October 2020, by Henry Stanier


Water Vole

Volunteer, and learn the Way of the Water Vole

Learn the Way of the Water Vole and become one with the Fen this year, by volunteering to join our Monitoring & Research team. Help us survey for signs of 'Ratty', the beloved…

Focus on small wildflowers in foreground with blurred young people looking at plants in background

Ecologists of the Future

We put a call out to the Ecologists of the Future, inviting them to join us in a special new workshop, an Introduction to Ecology with Brian Eversham.

Keeled skimmer male by Andy Frost

An unexpected journey?

Two of the monitoring projects at the Great Fen have both yielded some anticipated, as well as unexpected results this year.

Kingfisher juvenile

July sightings

Warm weather finally brings out the insects, so time for some dragonfly spotting. Young birds are also on the wing, from kingfishers to reed warblers.

Great silver water beetle

Return of the king

Change is a fundamental part of our journey to restore the Great Fen, and this includes the changing face of its wildlife. This year is already proving to be a memorable one.

Nathanael stands in a partially flooded grass meadow with tree surrounding

A Youth Ranger's Survey for the DofE Award

For the last six months, Youth Ranger Nathanael has been diligently working towards the Duke of Edinburgh's Award in the Great Fen. Visiting every two weeks to complete a bird transect, he…

Common Frog

Leap into spring at the Great Fen

Following record February rainfall in East Anglia, the water levels are high and as the temperatures are mild, wildlife at the Great Fen is taking advantage of the opportunities provided.

An artists impression, watercolour painted, of what Speechly's Farm will look like after restoration. It shows lush green fields, woodlands, ponds and wet farming fields.

Great Fen, Great Future

Recently, we've had time to reflect on our achievements and also plan for a great future at the Fen. We have shared our vision with our supporters and made a point of acknowledging those who…
