Blog: Wild Flowers

Stonechat at Kester's Docking, October 2020, by Henry Stanier


Four-spotted chaser dragonfly

May sightings

Tigers are on the prowl in the Great Fen and dragons emerge from their watery lairs.

Large red damselfly

April sightings

Wheatears are running along the tracks, swallows are skimming along the dykes, and cuckoos are calling from the treetops.

March sightings

Spring has sprung, so there is plenty to look out for. Listen for new arrivals as we enter one of the most exciting periods in the wildlife calendar.

Red tipped clearwing moth by Henry Stanier

June sightings

Blooming success on the restoration land requires a closer inspection of the flowerheads, for insects in search of nectar.

Purple loosestrife at Holme Fen

Holme Fen - A Reserve For All Seasons

Sarah Lambert, of the Peterborough Local Group of the Wildlife Trust BCN, looks forward to the year ahead and favourite species hoped to be found once more at Holme Fen NNR.
