Blog: Plants

Stonechat at Kester's Docking, October 2020, by Henry Stanier


Focus on small wildflowers in foreground with blurred young people looking at plants in background

Ecologists of the Future

We put a call out to the Ecologists of the Future, inviting them to join us in a special new workshop, an Introduction to Ecology with Brian Eversham.

An artists impression, watercolour painted, of what Speechly's Farm will look like after restoration. It shows lush green fields, woodlands, ponds and wet farming fields.

Great Fen, Great Future

Recently, we've had time to reflect on our achievements and also plan for a great future at the Fen. We have shared our vision with our supporters and made a point of acknowledging those who…

April sightings

Southerly winds are bringing the wildlife to us, as more and more species of bird fly in. This week, blackcaps, chiffchaffs, sedge warblers, swallows, whitethroats and willow warblers, have all…
