Blog: Volunteering

Stonechat at Kester's Docking, October 2020, by Henry Stanier


Three people stand and two sit on the edge of a raised pond, all have mugs of tea. It is a sunny day.

Taking Supported Steps in the Great Fen

Hear how residents from the Supported Steps supported living home have been making a positive impact at the Great Fen, learning new skills and meeting new people.

Girl holding pan and plants by wooden mud kitchen

Every day's a school day

One young Wildlife Watch member, Evie, made the most of an unexpected day off from school and learned about the value of volunteering and the power of ponds!

Andrew Cuthbert and Geoff Willis stand under an apple tree

Award for Great Fen Volunteers

We are thrilled to announce that this year’s winners of the Jon Smith Award are Andrew Cuthbert and Geoff Willis, long-term volunteers at the Great Fen.

Newly replaced wooden steps leading up to a wooden hide with thatched roof

Ups and Downs this Winter

New steps are going up but barns and vegetation are coming down. Catch up with Natural England Reserve Manager, Tristan Colaco, as he reviews their winter work and how this will improve the…
