Blog: Sightings

Stonechat at Kester's Docking, October 2020, by Henry Stanier


Marbled orb weaver

October sightings

The winter wildfowl are just some of the visitors appearing this month, but the invertebrates are just as impressive!


September sightings

A time of change. Our summer visitors are leaving us, other birds pass through and winter arrivals start to appear.

Chinese water deer running through water

December sightings

Big skies and open vistas mean a good chance for mammal spotting at this time of year.

A boy in a blue jumper stands in a green field pointing to a tree line in the distance

Daniel's Big Wild Walk

On Sunday 22nd October, Daniel Stoker, a young fan of the Great Fen, joined in with The Wildlife Trust's national fundraising challenge, The Big Wild Walk!
