At the start of the century, five organisations joined together to conceive the Great Fen vision. Between them, they could provide insight and expertise in conservation, recreation, business and tourism, flood protection, water management, community and visitor engagement.
The organisations formed the Great Fen Steering Group, and continue to meet regularly to guide restoration and developments. The project is brought together and led by the Wildlife Trust BCN - a local charity.
Environment Agency
Environment Agency (EA) is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
Within England EA are responsible for:
- regulating major industry and waste
- treatment of contaminated land
- water quality and resources
- fisheries
- inland river, estuary and harbour navigations
- conservation and ecology
We are also responsible for managing the risk of flooding from main rivers, reservoirs, estuaries and the sea.
“We are proud to have been involved in the Great Fen, as a partner organisation, since 2001. The Great Fen is a great example of how collaboration can improve the environment not only for wildlife through the creation of habitat but also for people.
The innovative work being done here to recreate wetland and trial new farming methods will provide multiple benefits, supporting climate change adaptation and mitigation, securing carbon storage and helping reduce flood risk through the provision of extra flood storage, whilst increasing and protecting fenland biodiversity. The Project aligns with our Environment Agency 2025 plan; by 2025 nature and land is better protected and enhanced.” Helen Smith, Area Environment Manager, Environment Agency and Great Fen Steering Group Chair.
Huntingdonshire District Council
Huntingdonshire District Council is responsible for the Huntingdonshire Local Plan which outlines a strategic approach to development and green spaces in Huntingdonshire.
Middle Level Commissioners
The Middle Level Commissioners have been proudly managing water levels in the Fens since 1862.
The Commissioners balance a variety of functions to provide land drainage, navigation, flood risk management and water resources services for the benefit of agriculture, local communities and the natural environment. We also work with and for over thirty Internal Drainage Boards in the local area and collectively have responsibilities to enhance the environment.
Natural England
Natural England are the government's adviser for the natural environment in England, helping to protect England's nature and landscapes for people to enjoy and for the services they provide. Natural England is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.
Manage Woodwalton Fen NNR and Holme Fen NNR
The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire
The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire (BCN) is a local conservation charity working to restore wildlife with the ambition of creating a wilder future. The Wildlife Trust BCN are funded through donations and the kind support of over 33,000 members across the three counties.

Great Fen partners