Enjoying and protecting nature with your dog
As the weather warms, hopefully more of us are heading outdoors. Walking brings enormous benefits to our physical and mental wellbeing. Bringing your dog along gives them the opportunity to…
As the weather warms, hopefully more of us are heading outdoors. Walking brings enormous benefits to our physical and mental wellbeing. Bringing your dog along gives them the opportunity to…
Amidst the changeable weather, signs of spring are peaking through. Keep your eyes and ears open.
Environmental Science A-Level students from Cambridge Academy for Science and Technology left the classroom to visit the Great Fen and design their concepts for the Fen of the Future.
Never letting anyone else's expectations of what she could achieve limit her ambitions, International Women's Day seems the perfect opportunity to properly introduce Jasmin Atkinson:…
Learn the Way of the Water Vole and become one with the Fen this year, by volunteering to join our Monitoring & Research team. Help us survey for signs of 'Ratty', the beloved…
12 Days Wild is the Wildlife Trust's festive challenge. We caught up with Great Fen fans, the Fletcher family, to see how they managed to do one wild thing every day!
A ghostly vision of the silent hunter in the Great Fen. But the barn owl may not be quite as stealthy as you think if you have never ever heard it screech! Bioacoustics is aiding ecological…
As we prepared to say good bye to 2024, we also had to say goodbye to an incredible colleague, Kate Carver, retiring after 14 years with The Wildlife Trust for Beds, Cambs & Northants as the…
We've had the pleasure of welcoming two hardworking volunteers from Supported Steps and they've made a terrific impact!
We put a call out to the Ecologists of the Future, inviting them to join us in a special new workshop, an Introduction to Ecology with Brian Eversham.