It's simple really - you walk along the waterways of the Great Fen, in search of Ratty's favourite picnic spots! Ratty, the water vole, tends to leave evidence of his snacks behind, with piles of feeding remains at his favourite feeding stations. Discover the locations of the stations and you know where he's been!
Water voles are mainly vegetarian. To obtain their snacks, they cut reed stems and those of other plants off at an angle of 45°. They picnic close to the water's edge, where taller vegetation provides cover from predators; this is where you find the piles of cut plant stems. There may also be evidence of runways nearby, through the vegetation, as well as droppings and burrows.
Water voles are highly protected in the UK. They do not hibernate, so can be active at any time of year, and so it is important to consider this where you are near the water. We regularly survey for them in the Great Fen, to record their distribution and levels of activity, as part of the ongoing monitoring programme. We also survey for them as part of our plans for restoration work, gathering data before during and after such conservation activities.