Blog: Mammals

Stonechat at Kester's Docking, October 2020, by Henry Stanier


Water Vole

Volunteer, and learn the Way of the Water Vole

Learn the Way of the Water Vole and become one with the Fen this year, by volunteering to join our Monitoring & Research team. Help us survey for signs of 'Ratty', the beloved…

Four-spotted chaser dragonfly

May sightings

Tigers are on the prowl in the Great Fen and dragons emerge from their watery lairs.

Common Frog

Leap into spring at the Great Fen

Following record February rainfall in East Anglia, the water levels are high and as the temperatures are mild, wildlife at the Great Fen is taking advantage of the opportunities provided.


January sightings

As the temperature goes up and down, and the water thaws and refreezes, our wildlife responds; another aspect of the changing face of the Great Fen.

Chinese water deer running through water

December sightings

Big skies and open vistas mean a good chance for mammal spotting at this time of year.

Female cuckoo rufous form at the Great Fen

Wildlife highlights this summer

Merging natural history, ecological monitoring and wildlife conservation has provided some new 'shared' highlights at the Great Fen this summer.

Whooper swans at the Great Fen by Henry Stanier

Stonechat Travels 5

Restoration work is attracting more wildlife, especially our winter visitors, and our volunteers have been busy preparing the breeding ponds at Ramsey Heights, for some amorous amphibians!

Privet hawkmoth by Henry Stanier

Great Fen lows and highs

The month of June has brought vandalised viewpoints and mournfully low moth numbers, but the Fen is still 'Great' in more ways than one.
