Blog: amphibians

Stonechat at Kester's Docking, October 2020, by Henry Stanier


Great silver water beetle

Return of the king

Change is a fundamental part of our journey to restore the Great Fen, and this includes the changing face of its wildlife. This year is already proving to be a memorable one.

Common Frog

Leap into spring at the Great Fen

Following record February rainfall in East Anglia, the water levels are high and as the temperatures are mild, wildlife at the Great Fen is taking advantage of the opportunities provided.

Linnet by Vaughn Matthews

March sightings

Serenading linnets and drumming snipe usher in the start of spring?

Great crested newt

Stonechat Travels 7: the king and the dragons

Spring has sprung and the wildlife is responding. Birds are on the move; winter visitors are leaving, and the spring migrants are arriving. The Great Fen Monitors, our great team of voluntary…
