Last year we delved deeper into the world of bioacoustics at the Great Fen. We began gathering data on bird calls; 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Wilder Sensing is a company that offers us the benefits of artificial intelligence, to identify, compile, and analyse bird sounds.
Following liaison with the Somerset Wildlife Trust, at their new site at Honeygar, we started trials with our first audio sensor at Speechly’s Farm. As some of you may have seen on the ‘Fens’ edition of Countryfile last July, we also set one up on land under restoration since 2011.
These sensors can record for weeks on end, and so be left to themselves to listen in on the natural world around them. They passively monitor the wildlife, disturbance free, which is a of great benefit during the breeding bird season for example. At the moment, I collect the data from each sensor, and then upload it to a website, ready for processing.