April sightings
Wheatears are running along the tracks, swallows are skimming along the dykes, and cuckoos are calling from the treetops.
Wheatears are running along the tracks, swallows are skimming along the dykes, and cuckoos are calling from the treetops.
Spring has sprung, so there is plenty to look out for. Listen for new arrivals as we enter one of the most exciting periods in the wildlife calendar.
Following record February rainfall in East Anglia, the water levels are high and as the temperatures are mild, wildlife at the Great Fen is taking advantage of the opportunities provided.
A record breaking February results in some stunning invertebrate sightings and birds breaking into song.
As the temperature goes up and down, and the water thaws and refreezes, our wildlife responds; another aspect of the changing face of the Great Fen.
Big skies and open vistas mean a good chance for mammal spotting at this time of year.
A frosty morning can provide beautiful and rewarding conditions to visit the Fens in search of our winter visitors.
Recently, we've had time to reflect on our achievements and also plan for a great future at the Fen. We have shared our vision with our supporters and made a point of acknowledging those who…
Winter thrushes are out and about but we still have dragonflies on the wing, and other predators have arrived to take refuge in the Great Fen.
Warmer temperatures have finally produced some better moth records, both day and night.