April sightings
Southerly winds are bringing the wildlife to us, as more and more species of bird fly in. This week, blackcaps, chiffchaffs, sedge warblers, swallows, whitethroats and willow warblers, have all…
Insects are the particular focus for us, in the coming months, so please let us have your sightings from the Great Fen, via this contact details on this page.
Species: Butterflies & dragonflies
Location: Corney's Farm
601 Butterflies of 10 species / 39 dragonfly of 7 species
Species: Butterflies & dragonflies
Location: New Decoy
466 butterflies of 13 species/ 15 dragonflies of 8 species
Species: Raptors
Location: Whole site
6 species recorded
Species: Birds
Location: New Decoy Farm
134 birds of 27 species
Species: Raptors
Location: Whole site
6 species recorded
Species: Birds
Location: Summer Standing
151 birds of 17 species
Species: Birds
Location: Middle Farm
234 birds of 17 species
Species: Birds
Location: Woodwalton Fen
Woodwalton Fen on 8 January
669 birds of 30 species