On Tuesday 15th August 2023 at mid-morning, a group of young carers assembled at the Great Fen's Countryside Centre, on the outskirts of Ramsey Heights. A break in the English weather provided some welcome sunshine. At the start of the day the group did not know each other. The programme started with an introductory question and answer session exploring which animal species live on the site. We learned that common visitors include Chinese water deer and great crested newts but no flamingos! We also learnt to identify hemlock, a wild poisonous plant that grows on the site.
Next stop was exploring the site, looking at lots of bugs, meeting lots of animals and exploring lots of ponds. We saw many dragonflies and were fortunate to see the protected newts in their natural habitat. With the help of our experienced hosts from the Wildlife Trust we heard and saw some of the birds that live on the site. We also tracked where some of the larger animals had made paths in the undergrowth to get to the water.