Supporter Funded Projects
Taking Supported Steps in the Great Fen
Hear how residents from the Supported Steps supported living home have been making a positive impact at the Great Fen, learning new skills and meeting new people.
Partners and Supporters
A year of Supported Steps in the Great Fen
We've had the pleasure of welcoming two hardworking volunteers from Supported Steps and they've made a terrific impact!
Wild Fen
My quiet life
Jane is the Quality Manager at Sutton in Ashfield based business nmcn one of the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s Business partners. She has kindly shared with us her inspiring wild life story.…
My new life
Working full time in a windowless room cut Sonja off from the natural world around her; but spending time in wild places has helped her to discover herself since a shock diagnosis two years ago.…
Springing into Life
Tristan Colaco, Natural England Reserve Warden, highlights the special wildlife thriving on our nature reserves as a result of habitat management this spring.
How to grow a wild patch or mini meadow
Whether it's a flowerpot, flowerbed, wild patch in your lawn, or entire meadow, planting wildflowers provides vital resources to support a wide range of insects that couldn't survive in…
Wild cherry
The mass of white, frothy blossom on a wild cherry is a sight to behold. Planted as an ornamental tree, it also grows wild in woods and hedges. Its red fruits are the edible cherries we know and…
Wild angelica
The red-tinged, flower clusters of Wild angelica smell just like the garden variety, which is used in making cake decorations. Wild angelica likes damp places, such as wet meadows and wet…