Young People's Forum at Strawberry Hill
2024 kicked off with a face-to-face meeting for our incredible Young People's Forum. Strawberry Hill was the location, a 150-hectare farm in Bedfordshire which has been left to rewild for 25 years. The group got to meet and work with Chantelle Warriner, Reserves/Conservation Officer, who provided an overview and background of the site and guidance for the tasks which required completing. The group always enjoy visiting this site and were more than happy with some essential scrub clearance. Scrub provides valuable shelter for birds and insects but too much of it can be a bad thing where it's encroaching into grassland, heathland and wetland habitat. The group learned that their work would help provide more variety of wildlife habitat, allowing light to reach the ground and protecting the soil conditions. The practical session was followed by well-earned pizza and a team meeting.
We welcome applications from Wildlife Trust BCN members aged 13-24 to join this motivated group of young voices inspiring action for wildlife.